
Become a sponsorship partner from as little as $5,000
For a limited time, a chance for you or your company to:
Enhance Brand Awareness
Improve or modify Corporate Image
Sample Product to Potential Customers
Improve Customer relations through hospitality
Provide opportunity for customer promotions
Obtain cost-efficient alternative exposure
A relationship with a scolding hot annual show and a cool company.What are we offering?
Demonstration of positive corporate citizenship through direct association with our Community Engagement Programs. The implications to be involved in these initiatives is profound and far- reaching.
This works very well. We create 15 sec or 30 sec commercials for our sponsors that will be played on the screens just before the show starts, during interval and at the end of the show. These ads are funny and are specifically link Song Contest with the message that our sponsors want to promote. This way, our sponsors become a part of the entertainment, a very positive association.
Glaringly obvious product placement is something very few competitors can do like we can. For example, imagine we were sponsored by COLES or, even worse, WOOLWORTHS. Not only could we insist on checking everyone’s bags as they were leaving the theatre, but we could have big signs in the venue with their logo, which people could rip down and stomp on. (We might need a lot of signs)
Own the program. We give full sized, glossy programs for only $3 to every member of the audience. Imagine the good will generated when the audience find out that our presenting sponsor have made that possible. On the front cover it reads (in big print) “This program is affordable thanks to OUR BLOODY BEAUTIFUL SPONSOR.”
We will develop concepts with each sponsor partner. Let us know what message you want to promote and we will create something that fits precisely what you want.
Free VIP ticket allocation to all opening nights in all capital cities, plus substantially discounted “A reserve” ticket packages to sponsor staff and special guests. Advance purchase option for staff and clients via our ticketing platform.
Logo on specified media, print and electronic. Also, in house banners in the venue where applicable. Mentions in radio interviews and during episodes of “See My Minsk today” the Youtube “television” show hosted by Bettina Pikmannoz.
Sponsorships will be limited to ensure brand or services are not in conflict.
Because we have eleven countries competing there is an opportunity to align sponsor brand or product with a particular country. (eg. IKEA with Sweden, BMW with Germany, Triumph Motorbikes with United Kingdom etc)
Name a cocktail after a sponsor? For example The Rio Tinto’s “Sludgee” or the Bendigo Bank’s “Money in the Bank,” made with Patron tequila, Aperol, pineapple, lime and Hot Honey syrup
- You get the idea
Opening night sponsors and their guests will meet every member of the cast, get to rub shoulders with the actors who will be happy to chat, sign programs and receive unequivocal praise and adoration.
Every member of the audience gets their own flag and clacker as part of the ticket price. Sponsors can own one or more of the eleven flags, so sponsor’s branding goes home with everyone as a souvenir.
We will continue to develop the Song Contest App which audiences can download for free before attending the show or at the theatre. The App will contain voting software, sponsor’s ads (created specifically for the show) options to order drinks online, tweeting and games we will develop. More detail is available on request