Be a
Audition Stretch

Look at the top of this page. There are so many ways to be involved with the show, from auditions to song-writing and becoming a partner.
Eyes back to this page…we’re holding first rounds of auditions at STAR THEATRES Saturday Sept 28, Sunday Sept 29, Saturday October 5 and Sunday October 6. 

When you sign up you will get plenty of warning and enough time to prepare yourself in order to blow our socks off. We will all be wearing 4 pairs of socks in preparation.

We’re looking for experienced professionals, experienced non-professionals and for people who’ve had no experience at all to show us what they’ve got. That means we want to meet people of all ages (we mean it) from different cultural backgrounds with exceptional skills, who have stories to tell and who have either:

A. A love for the performing arts.
B. A love of shiny things and kick-arse music.
C. A desperate need to get out the house.

Auditions can be bloody awful

We KNOW that auditions can be so scary and unfriendly that people often  “freeze” with dread and nerves. Fear not, we’ll do everything we can to help make the audition process as pleasant and as human as possible. Hopefully the experience will put a smile on your dial rather than cause you to cry or throw up in the toilets. 

We don’t have only specific roles that we are looking to fill, rather we are looking for people to inspire us with their skill and artistry so much that we will just HAVE to include them in the show.We want to see individual singers, singing groups, ensembles, choirs, dancers, jugglers, acrobats, gymnasts, circus performers, musicians, Ukrainian grannies and anyone who reckons that what they do will bring some extra joy and wonder to Song Contest Almost Eurovision.

Be a Eurovisionary!

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We’re not ready yet, still applying make-up and working on best angles. Laters!

Join the Waitlist!

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